We found more pictures of Denise …

We were able to find more pictures of Denise in a storage container. Here are some of them …

Denise sold a lot of newspaper ads (an Editor at one of the newspapers she worked at estimated she sold 70% of the ads in his publication). But, in this case, she was the ad.


This is one of Denise and Fran before Denise’s Firs Communion

Here’s one of Denise and Fran at Santa’s village.


Here is Denise with Dad (circa late 1990s).

This is Denise with her Aunt Elise and some neighborhood kids.


We couldn’t figure out what year this picture was taken but it  took place in our kitchen at the house on Sagamore Street.

Here’s Denise with Dad on his bike (Denise looks about 1 years old here.)


Another shot of Dense and Fran at Santa’s Village.